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Nursery Communication

Our nursery has a lot to share!

We communicate to parents in various ways:

Groupcall - this involves a text message which is sent to the contact number you have provided at enrolment and is usually used alongside the other update methods below or when it involves your child specifically i.e. school closures, important reminders, etc.

Social media - We have a private Facebook group 'Parkhead Nursery Class' which is for parents/carers of current nursery children only. It is a great way for us to keep you informed with any updates, reminders as well as showcase the children's learning in nursery. Please see a member of staff if you require any support finding/joining the group. Although this group is private we can only post your child's photograph if you have given us permission when completing the Photography Permission section of our enrolment paperwork.

School and nursery website - You are here! Check back regularly for updates.

Notice Board -You will find the notice board in the cloakroom area. Please read the notices regularly as they will keep you informed of the forthcoming holidays, events etc. We like to be kept up to date with things happening with our children so if you have special news just let us know. Please note - we will not be using our Notice Board while parents/carers are unable to access the cloakroom area.

Newsletter - a monthly newsletter is issued by email. Please ensure we have your up to date contact details when completing enrolment paperwork.

Online Learning Journals - The nursery staff regularly observe and assess the progress and development of all children and will build up an online profile for each of their key group children. On entering the nursery all children are allocated a Key Worker. This member of staff will be responsible for the upkeep of your child's online profile although it should be noted that all children will be working with all members of staff, throughout their time in nursery. We are always willing to discuss all aspects of development with you, both formally and informally, as well as at arranged parent's consultations, usually held in November and March. We will explain the process of accessing your child's online journal during your induction visit.

Due to current restrictions parent consultations will take the form of a phone call rather than an in person meeting.

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